Nationwide is the oldest privately owned driving school in West Hartford. Thousands upon thousands of students have received the all important training that is so vital for the safe operation of a vehicle.

Having been in business for over half a century and actually now engaged in teaching multitudes of teenagers who are the sons and daughters of prior students, is indeed gratifying.
Today’s driving arena is far different from the ones that most adults remember from their youth. While cars have gotten so much safer, elegant, reliable and refined, they are also much quicker, and because of auto advertising, are presented going faster than normal. While adults can understand the “hype” that is used in advertising, teenagers cannot. Teens also have, thru no fault of their own, a much more “exaggerated” opinion of their own skills behind the wheel.
With the explosion of the Internet, “Tweeting” “Texting” and constantly staying in contact with their peers on the phone, presents real dangers that were non existent when parents got their licenses a generation ago.
Crowded roadways, a more rushed lifestyle, and the stress involved in daily life, has also exacerbated dangers to new levels. Irate, impatient, and rude drivers have contributed to new hazards for the novice driver. Road Rage.
A program is only as good as its employees. Our instructors are “Home grown”. They were born, raised and educated here. We are also proud of the fact that they also learned to drive here when they were teens. Between them they have over 40 years experience in teaching students at Hall, Conard, Northwest Catholic, Kingwood Oxford, Watkinson, Hebrew High School, Miss Porters, Loomis Chaffee and local colleges. We are a local school. We do not have multiple branches all over the state. This allows us to concentrate on what matters the most to us and our student’s parents. Home town familiarity and an over 50-year knowledge of West Hartford. Kirk Rapport is our general manager and head classroom instructor. He will be happy to address any and all questions pertaining to our school.

At Nationwide, we have been around long enough to recognize and stay on top of the changes that will allow our students to be well prepared for the challenges, rewards, and freedom, a drivers license offers. At Nationwide, we look forward to continuing the long tradition of traffic safety for generations to come.