Included in our pricing is home, school, or work pick-up and drop-off at no extra charge. This is a valuable option for busy families! We pick-up and drop off at the schools below as we have been doing for many years. See the list below the photos for pick-up points. The student should be on the lookout for the instructor’s car and be ready to go as soon as they get there.

Conard: In the circle where the flags are.
Hall: Right in front of the school or the back, if the student prefers.
Hebrew High School: Main Entrance at the school.
Kingswood Oxford: At the tennis court or on Outlook Ave.
Miss Porters: Main entrance.
Northwest Catholic: In the front or by the path located on Sheep Hill Rd.
Watkinson: Main entrance.
Fall and Winter Driving
In the fall and winter months during Eastern Standard time it gets dark a lot earlier. Students wishing to drive from the hours of 6 pm to 9 pm will be picked up and dropped off ONLY at the driving school. The reason for this is that finding houses in the dark and on busy streets can be very difficult and dangerous.